Version 2 had an extension plug-in that communicated between EDIUS timeline and Pluraleyes. The core of Pluraleyes program seems to only read and write XML files. But at present (July 2016) they have not reintroduced a Pluraleyes extension plug-in for EDIUS 8 similar to the old version 2 that worked with EDIUS 6.5 (back then Pluraleyes was owned by Singular). Red Giant have a Pluraleyes extension for Sony Vegas and Adobe Premiere which works better than using the standalone program (explain later). It was always a hit and miss importing a Premiere’s XML project file into EDIUS, especially when the video clips are spread over spanned files (found on memory cards). On July 2016 Red Giant release Pluraleyes 4.1 which supposedly now supports EDIUS but no longer supports Avid’s AAF project files.